The payday loan solution offered through Friendly Lender offers those with bad credit, and no collateral a chance to secure financing in between paydays. Friendly Lender established a network of industry leading online loan professionals who seek to issue loans immediately, through e-transfer directly to your bank account, “24/7.” Simply follow the instructions of our easy to use, and secure online application; providing us with both your, employment, and banking information. If approved, your money may then be sent to you in as soon as one day, via e-transfer directly into your bank account, for your convenience. And what’s more: you can do this all from the comfort, and security of your home, “24/7.”
*Does Not Affect Your Credit Score
The payday loan solution offered through Friendly Lender offers its customers the convenience of having any loaned money deposited directly into the customer’s bank account via e-transfer; which is different than some other loan products geared toward payday help. At Friendly Lender we work with a network of bad-credit online loan professionals who specialize in providing payday loan solutions, who do not necessarily require a credit check, nor collateral, and who deliver funds fast: in as soon as 1 day!; offering you the most convenience possible. Like other traditional payday loans, e-transfer payday loan solutions through Friendly Lender are transfers of a relatively small amount, meant to act as a source of financial relief to those that need to cover expenses in between paydays, where their pay cheque falls short. Once issued, online loan recipients are then given a payment schedule to follow in order to pay back the loan’s principle amount and interest.
When you are looking to secure money quickly, you may be concerned about how you are going to secure the cash you need without delay. People may have a bad credit score, and may not be able to offer collateral to support their payday loan solution application; but with Friendly Lender, we still may be able to help. Our extensive network of bad-credit online loan professionals has produced millions of dollars worth of payday loan solutions through e-transfer to Canadians, without necessarily performing credit checks, nor requesting any collateral. So rest assured, Friendly Lender may be able to help you.
To apply to conveniently receive a payday loan solution, through e-transfer directly into your bank account, through Friendly Lender, here is the necessary information you must provide on our easy to navigate online loan application:
Canadians have come to rely on Friendly Lender in times of financial strain to help provide them with fast, secure e-transfer payday loan solutions because we respect their privacy. Once a loan has been secured through us, neither the online loan professionals we work with nor ourselves will pry into how you use those funds. These e-transfer payday loan solutions are made available for any purpose; and some common uses include:
When Friendly Lender’s network of bad-credit online loan professionals’ evaluate e-transfer payday loan solution applications they generally do not need to rely on credit scores; nor do they require any supply of collateral. When making a decision on online loan applications it is not uncommon for the lenders in our online loan network to rely solely on the potential that an applicant’s current job demonstrates in allowing them to repay loaned money. So if you do have a bad credit score and are in need of a payday loan solution no matter what, Friendly Lender may be able to help you.