If a guaranteed loan product exists, why would a lender offer it to those with bad credit? Do not waste your time with potential gimmicks; and instead look to Friendly Lender for payday loan help when time is of the essence. We offer access to multiple lenders, most of whom perform no credit check, to those with bad credit, with a few clicks of a mouse. Just think: this gives you the opportunity to request, from $100 to $5,000 in payday loan help from a network of payday loan solution specialists, where one rejection may lead to a loan offer. We utilize state-of-the-art loan application technology that securely presents your loan request to a network of bad credit lenders upon submission: so if one lender rejects your request, the next is immediately standing next in line to potentially offer you the payday loan help you are after. With Friendly Lender your chances for loan acceptance just got better. Shouldn’t the loan process be this convenient, everywhere?