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Move Out of Your Parents’ House in Four Easy Steps

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moving out of your parents' house

Moving out of your parents’ house might seem impossible right now, given the cost-of-living crisis sweeping the globe. However, there are specific steps that you can take to accomplish this important milestone, despite the challenges in your way. In this article, we will explore those steps. Achieving this goal might actually be easier than you think!

Step 1: Determine Your Budget

The assumption is that you have an income. If not, it will be impossible to move out of your parents’ house. Find the job you desire and proceed from there. This is perhaps the most important – and, in many cases, the most challenging – step. Many people struggle with their career choices, so make sure you choose your profession wisely. Moreover, many people find it hard to break into the profession of their dreams. Clear this hurdle first, by applying consistent, dedicated effort.

Once you have the career question settled, take your total monthly income and note all your necessary expenses as well as some of your wants. Make sure to allocate some money toward saving and paying off your debts. Your largest expense will likely be your rent, especially if you live in an expensive area.

Once you have a good idea of what you’re able to afford rent-wise, start looking for an apartment in your desired area. If you are unable to afford an apartment in your desired area, you have two basic options: increase your income or move to a cheaper area.

Increasing your income can be challenging. It may be a matter of working for a different company or switching careers altogether. Find alignment with the right career path and the right company, and you will have more room in your budget for the apartment of your choice.

If it is necessary to live with roommates at first, go ahead and live with roommates. It will give you much-needed life experience and a sense of independence. From there, you will have more confidence to pursue the job and career that you want and earn the income you deserve, which will enable you to live without roommates in the future.

Step 2: Apply for Your Dream Apartment

If you are relocating for a new job, you may encounter some initial difficulties in securing an apartment. Some property managers are stricter than others in terms of their requirements. They may look at your tenure or lack thereof at your current job and doubt your ability to pay the rent. They might worry that you might get laid off, having not even passed the probationary period yet.

Of course, if you have a stable employment history, these fears are likely to be unfounded. However, it is not always possible to make your case to everybody. While getting denied for an apartment is certainly not enjoyable, do not lose heart. You may have better luck elsewhere.

There are other reasons, more valid ones, for which you might get denied the apartment of your dreams. These include having a poor credit history, a history of unstable employment, an insufficient income, and poor references from previous landlords, if any. A lack of prior rental history could also present an obstacle, as the landlord will not be able to gauge your ability to pay rent. Make sure you know what the weak points in your application could be. In today’s tough, competitive housing market, it’s harder than ever to stand out and get the apartment of your dreams, especially with the ongoing rise in the cost of living.

The application process can be taxing, depending on the landlord. Some may require that you show up in person to view the apartment and then apply in person before you ever hear the verdict. Others will offer an online application process, only potentially requiring you to show up in person once to view the apartment. Therefore, it’s important to find a landlord whose application process matches your preferences and practical possibilities. It is not always practical to travel to your prospective apartment building on multiple occasions prior to moving in, particularly if you’re relocating for a new job that is one hundred kilometres away from your current place of residence.

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Step 3: Wait for a Response

It can be quite nerve-wracking to wait for a response. The last thing you want is to get denied the apartment of your dreams! Don’t fret, though. Even if you get denied one apartment, it is possible to get another. More often than not, the apartment you end up getting is actually better than the one initially hoped for. Keep your fingers crossed and don’t overthink the process. Wait for the verdict and accept it once it comes. Be prepared to apply for multiple apartments at once, as it’s common practice. Once you’ve accepted an offer, put the other landlords in the know!

After you get approved, you will likely have to make a security deposit, potentially in the form of your last month’s rent, by whichever method the landlord requires. You may be able to make an e-transfer. Alternatively, you may be required to bring a money order or bank draft in person. Make sure to follow the correct procedure!

Step 4: Move In!

Once you get approved for an apartment and the move-in date has been set, it’s time to start packing. You may wish to consider moving services or a U-Haul to help transport your furniture and other big items.

On your move-in day, you will likely be required to pay the first month’s rent and any applicable fees, such as a key deposit. You will sign your lease, get your keys, and be able to start moving your items into the apartment. Take your time with unpacking and setting up the furniture. Get the arrangement right. You may have to install a shower curtain and window curtains if those are not provided. Check that all the appliances are functioning properly. For example, you may have to plug in your stove!

Pro tip: set up your utilities before you move in! Arrange with the building manager’s preferred utility company for whatever utilities are not included in your rent. Take care to set up the Internet beforehand. Often, these are simple procedures – a matter of a few phone calls and some online registrations. It’s much better to move into a home that’s fully set up and ready for living rather than struggle to set up the utilities after you move in.


Moving can be a tough and stressful time, fraught with challenges and new experiences. There are many things to keep in mind, from the potentially complicated and nerve-wracking application process to setting up utilities and the Internet at your new home, from moving bulky furniture to paying all the necessary fees and making all the necessary deposits. Once you’ve moved in and are looking back, the steps might seem a lot easier, though! You’ll wonder what you were worried about all this time.

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