Friendly Lender

Personal Loans in Alberta

personal loans in Alberta

Alberta is the fourth largest Canadian province by land area and the fourth most populous. Alberta’s cost of living is among the lowest in Canada, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t any challenges. In fact, there is a wide gap between the living wage and the minimum wage in Alberta. The living wage in Alberta […]

Payday Loans vs. Installment Loans: What’s the Difference?

payday loans, installment loans

In this article, we will look at two types of loans: payday loans and installment loans. We will examine the pros and cons of each. Payday Loans As the name suggests, payday loans are organized around your payday schedule. Typically short-term and high-interest, these loans need to be repaid within two paydays, on average. If […]

When Online Loans Make Sense

online loans

Intro  It is inadvisable to take out an online loan unless you really need one. However, in today’s affordability and cost-of-living crisis, it doesn’t look as though things will get any easier for most Canadians. We’ve all seen the prices of food, gas, housing, electricity, and other necessities increase post-pandemic. The trend shows no signs […]

Personal Loans in Ontario

personal loans in ontario

Ontario is the most populous Canadian province, boasting over fourteen million residents. It is the second least affordable province in Canada. Many Ontarians are struggling to keep up with their expenses. That’s where personal loans can help. What Is a Personal Loan? Personal loans allow you to borrow a specific amount of money and pay […]

Move Out of Your Parents’ House in Four Easy Steps

moving out of your parents' house

Moving out of your parents’ house might seem impossible right now, given the cost-of-living crisis sweeping the globe. However, there are specific steps that you can take to accomplish this important milestone, despite the challenges in your way. In this article, we will explore those steps. Achieving this goal might actually be easier than you […]

Financial Mistakes to Avoid in Your 20s 

financial mistakes in your 20s

If you are in your 20s, you may not be that great at managing your money yet. Not to mention that in our 20s, we are often underemployed and underpaid, even though we may have degrees from universities and diplomas from colleges. Therefore, it is particularly important to be careful with your money in your […]

Can You Get a Loan Without a Job? 

If you lack traditional employment, you may be wondering whether it is possible to get a loan. After all, it may be difficult to repay a loan without employment income. While most lenders require that you have a regular source of income, that source doesn’t always have to come in the form of regular employment.  […]